Mr. Yanelli graduated from Northeastern University in Boston, MA with honors earning a Bachelor of Science degree with a dual concentration in Finance and Management. Since 1990, he has gained experience as an Analyst, Sales Director, and Financial Advisor. Jay has helped his clients, as well as other Advisors, understand the investment & insurance industries. As a Financial Advisor, his vision is to bring clarity and peace to financial matters, so people can achieve their life goals through a long term plan.
With the heart of a teacher, Jay strives to be sure his clients understand their investment & insurance options in transparent and easy to understand language. He feels blessed to be able to help people in such an important area of their lives.
His caring personal approach, trustworthiness, as well as other qualities, enabled Jay to qualify to become a SmartVestor Pro (formerly the ELP -Endorsed Local Provider – program) for the Dave Ramsey organization. Dave Ramsey is a bestselling author as well as host of a nationally syndicated radio talk show. Being a SmartVestor Pro allows Jay to help people in all stages of their lives. Whether someone is just starting their career, in retirement reworking their financial plan, or somewhere in between; he brings a wealth of experience to help with investments, college planning, retirement planning, and life, disability, and long term care insurance planning.
Jay enjoys running (several years ago, he realized a childhood dream and completed a marathon as well as several half marathons), biking, and golf. He and his wife, Kathleen, have three sons and are active members of Cottonwood Church.